Sharon Givoni is the author of Owning It: A Creative’s Guide to Copyright, Contracts and the Law published by Creative Minds Publishing (2015).

Not a legal text in the usual sense, this book explains in plain English how the law applies to creative industries. Packed with real-life case studies and user-friendly summaries, Owning It takes complicated legal concepts and distils them into language that doesn’t require a legal background to understand. Applicable to any creative person or business owner, this comprehensive and essential book will guide you through the legal challenges and pitfalls of intellectual property, leaving you feeling armed with knowledge and proactive ways to protect your livelihood.

Across 39 colourful and engaging chapters, the book covers legal areas such as:

  • Copyright
  • Ownership of IP
  • Moral rights
  • Trade marks
  • Consumer laws and advertising copy
  • Cultural icons
  • Internet and social media
  • Creative Commons
  • Naming your business (including domain name protection and avoiding legal disputes)
  • Collecting societies
  • Resale royalty rights
  • Trade promotions
  • Insurance for your business
  • Legal remedies
  • Model releases

This guide will point you in the right direction regarding: the protection of your designs, trade marks, copyright, reputation, confidential information and other intellectual property (IP); how not to inadvertently infringe someone else’s rights; contract basics; licensing; how the law applies online and to certain aspects of social media; and much more.

For more information or to purchase Owning It visit Creative Minds Publishing.


Read on to see what some people have said about the book which is now selling fast.

Colin Golvan, QC

“More than ever, copyright owners need to understand their rights, and have their rights understood, in the face of unprecedented freedom of access to works. Above all, the book demonstrates Givoni’s very considerable experience in addressing practical issues in copyright protection and this is where its particular strength lies for copyright owners, as well as legal students and practitioners.”

Beci Orpin

“In the following pages, laid out before me (and you), is somewhat of a bible of information on the legalities that all creative people should know. And, added bonus, not only is the information easy to understand and written in a very approachable manner, it is also concise and instantly demystifies any legal jargon that may have scared you before.”

Catherine Logan, Practice Leader

“It’s the best textbook I have ever bought – very practical but beautiful to look at as well.”

Liz Murray, Buttonworks Australia Pty Ltd

“If only I had read ‘Owning It’ before trying to navigate through the quagmire of legality in battling for protection of copyright! For most creative people it is too difficult to tackle understanding the legal concepts of their rights and the best way in which to protect their work. This book makes things so much easier to understand. It untangles the web of legal terms and helps to remove the fear of helplessness so many artists and creators feel.”

Online Interview with LifeInstyle 13.10.15

When it comes to the law, a lot of us feel lost in the dark, especially when it concerns creative work. We know about intellectual property, contracts and copyright, but often we don’t know exactly what that means for the work we do as creatives and, in particular, what that means in the world of digital and social media. Sharon Givoni is an intellectual property lawyer with years of knowledge and experience working with creatives. She’s also the author of the popular and incredibly helpful book, Owning It: A Creative’s Guide to Copyright, Contracts and the Law. We were lucky enough to hear from Sharon at Life Instyle Melbourne 2015 and I wanted to share her knowledge and experience with those who couldn’t be there to hear her speak. If you’ve ever had a question or concern about copyright or the law (and I’m betting there’s not many who haven’t), read on!

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Owning it at Readings

Not a legal book in the usual sense, renowned Australian intellectual property lawyer Sharon Givoni explains in ‘plain English’ how the law applies to creative industries.

Packed with real-life case studies and user-friendly flowcharts and tables that simplify Australian legal terms, processes and procedures, Owning It demystifies law for creatives. This guide will point you in the right direction regarding: the protection of your designs, trade marks, copyright, reputation, confidential information and other intellectual property (IP); how not to inadvertently infringe someone else’s rights; contract basics; licensing; how the law applies online and to certain aspects of social media; and much more.

Stella from Bendigo

“I first came to know about you by discovering your fantastic book “Own It” a few months ago. I was just researching trade marks and IP law when your book found me. I truly admire your talent in being able to ‘translate’ IP law into an easy, interesting and – yes, enjoyable read! I would have never thought it possible that I would reach for a law book with the same pleasure and eagerness that I feel when reaching for a design or an art book 🙂 I find the information within so useful and have found out about important things around my rights and options I wasn’t aware existed.”

Katie Evans 12.01.16

“Owning It – A Creative’s Guide to Copyright, Contracts and the Law by Sharon Givoni and published by Tess McCabe from Creative Minds Publishing is a godsend for those who are a little vague on what they can and can’t do and how to protect their own work. It’s not only the law in layman’s terms, it’s also full of loads of gorgeous pics and a layout that is just so lovely to flip through you could do it in an afternoon over a pot of tea. This hardback gem is a stunning production with a dark matt cover and beautiful binding strong enough that the book can be used frequently as you need it. It’s also very thorough and you will have a basic understanding of ownership, works (from jewellery to architecture to music), trade marks, social media, contracts and moral rights by the time you’ve finished page to page. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is starting or has started a creative business. There is just too much that is being shared right now and you can’t afford to turn a blind eye to Copyright issues. Make it your go-to bible – a checklist and a valuable resource forever”.

Melissa de Zwart, Professor of Law, The University of Adelaide

“Who says that a practical guide to the law of intellectual property that is both useful and informative needs to be boring to read, let alone browse through? Not Sharon Givoni…Givoni has used her experience in advising those working in the creative industries to create a book that provides easy to read guidance on the laws affecting creativity including intellectual property laws, contract and consumer laws. The book is also very liberally illustrated with real life examples of the issues at hand, and often how those issues have been resolved.

Givoni clearly emphasises the importance and desirability of authenticity throughout the book, focussing on what makes creative works unique and attractive (noting that this also makes them worth copying). …The focus is always on what is uniquely creativity and how to protect that spark. This is a unique work that provides useful insights to lawyers and creators alike and, unlike most other law books, will look great on your coffee table!”

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Chantelle S, Science Student, La Trobe University

From Ugg boots to the shape of the Coca-Cola bottle, intellectual property law is always hiding in everyday objects. It may however not always have the best intentions in mind. For anyone interested in business or a student who has ever had the task of trying to understand the laws of intellectual property, this book, written by IP, Lawyer Sharon Givoni, is easy to read and informative. It is not written in the style of typical law books and has plenty of useful case studies and tables for easy clarification.

My name is Chantelle S and I attend La Trobe University, and as a science student studying in Victoria, who hopes to get into the IP field, ‘Owning it’, provided me with the perfect introduction to intellectual property law and was surprisingly easy to read. With an array of pictures and examples, it was easy to understand how IP law works and the need for it. The book not only provided me with great knowledge about the field, but it made me aware that IP law is always hiding in plain sight. ‘Owning It’ ignited my interest in IP law, and reassured me that it is the field that I wish to pursue in the future.

Suzi Appel, Photographer, Melbourne

After purchasing a copy the first week it was released, I have referenced this resource over and over. It is very user-friendly and has case studies that provides a real-life perspective for the reader. I have shared this with colleagues and other creatives – those starting businesses and those established. Thanks Sharon for sharing your knowledge and research regarding Copyright.

– A useful tool in understanding your rights in the digital era.

Mallory Holley Studios 16.10.15

“Understandably, for those who have not spent years studying law, learning important legal rights and responsibilities regarding their creative output can seem rather daunting. Knowing what should and should not be done is not always straightforward and deciphering between fact and fiction can be challenging. The law sometimes seems as though it’s written in its own mystic language and decoding it can feel somewhat akin to wading through a quagmire! Yet, this very knowledge is so significant for many creative people. After all, misconceptions about such laws even have the potential to cause one a great deal of strife.

Thankfully in order to combat this, Melbourne intellectual property lawyer, Sharon Givoni, has written a new book titled ‘Owning it -A creative’s guide to copyright, contracts and the law’. It explains the Australian laws applicable to many creative fields and businesses, aiming to ‘empower’ readers ‘to take proactive steps to protect [their] creative output’, and business.”

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Lynda Worthington, Textile Art Magazine, Issue # 119

“Thank you Sharon for a book in which you have made an important complex topic easy to understand and not overwhelming…

Art wear Publications Pty Ltd deemed the existence of this book so important to all our readers across all arts and crafts disciplines, that we have published this review in all our magazine titles”

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Bris Style Inc. 06.08.15

“In these days of high volume information and mass social media, the things that we create are being seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people everyday. Few artisans, writers and musicians think about what will happen once they put an idea out into the ether.

The ramifications of sharing our creativity are sadly not always positive, as is outlined by Sharon Givoni in her new book “Owning It – A Creative’s Guide to Copyright, Contract and the Law” published by Creative Minds Publishing. This beautiful book, with a foreword by Beci Orpin, delves into the somewhat confusing and murky business of what happens when the work of creatives is misappropriated, used in part without permission and outright stolen…and more importantly, how to protect yourself from the get go.”

IP Bulletin Review, July 2015

“Copyright, ownership, trade marks, moral rights, misleading and deceptive conduct, passing off, contract – Givoni tackles all the law that matters for those working in the creative industries”

“Owning It has all the content of a weighty legal tome, without the impenetrable complexity”

“a must for bookcases of anyone in the creative industries who wants to understand their legal rights and better protect their creative efforts”

“Sharon Givoni’s goal in writing Owning It was to produce a succinct, user-friendly guide for creatives to help them navigate their way around the law. And the result is exactly that.”

“Whether you are a photographer, designer, painter, sculptor, writer, blogger, tattoo artist, jeweller, architect, or just wish you were, this book is a must.”

“There is little doubt that every legal question that passes through a creative mind will find an answer in this book.”

Author Chris Johnson: Senior Lawyer at Banki Haddock Fiora Lawyers, a commercial law firm that provides boutique intellectual property, technology and media law services.

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Ethically Creative Book Review 17.04.15

“This outstandingly useful book is a must-have for every business, in every industry.”

“This book is written so clearly and simply that it makes you want to learn about your rights and your client’s rights, without any confusion or jargon. It uses real-life cases, flowcharts and guides and is designed so uber beautifully and smells so darn good that you’ll actually have fun reading it.”

“From one business owner to another – do yourself a favour, grab a copy of this book.”

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Australian Institute of Packaging Review

“The book aims to demystify copyright, contracts and intellectual property law for Australians working in creative industries and running their own businesses.”

“The book also contains user-friendly flowcharts and tables that simplify legal terms, processes and procedures that creatives regularly encounter. The book aims to point Australians in the creative sector in the right direction regarding: the protection of their designs, trade marks, copyright, reputation, confidential information and other intellectual property (IP)…”

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News and Reviews: Gloss Magazine 2015 (LBD Group)

“The book covers the protection of designs, trade marks, copyright, reputation, confidential information and other intellectual property (IP); how not to inadvertently infringe someone else’s rights; contract basics; licensing and how the law applies online and to certain aspects of social media. Most importantly, for people who spend their lives thinking about how something looks, reads or sounds – it’s an absolutely beautiful book.”

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Cristina Re 17.04.15

“For many designers, copying is part of everyday life.” writes Cristina, “this book will be an invaluable companion to designers who want to get an overview of where they stand and steps they need to take to protect themselves legally”

Lucy Feagins, editor of The Design Files 24.03.15

‘Owning It’ featured on Australia’s most popular design blog, The Design Files.

“‘Owning It’ by Sharon Givoni is an incredible resource for local designers, writers, bloggers, photographers, and anyone else who is a maker of original creative work.”

“a remarkable effort, and an incredible resource for any Australian creative.”

“The book is for every creative at any level – from hobbyists to professionals, freelancers to employees, students to small business employers, startups to industry stables.”

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Theresa L, Law Graduate, University of Tasmania

“Intellectual Property has always been fascinating to me because I have always been interested in the arts. However, due to a lack of artistic talent, I decided to learn more (i.e. study Intellectual Property in law school) about how to help creatives instead.

Owning It is a refreshing, insightful volume with easy-to-understand explanations of legal concepts that can otherwise be overwhelmingly and unnecessarily convoluted. This book feels and reads more like an absorbing coffee table book you find in your best friend’s house rather than a dusty textbook found in the forgotten corners of the law library. The glossy pages along with the wonderful illustrations anchor its readability further. Sharon remains straightforward and conversational, peppering great tips and relevant examples throughout the book.

The book also debunks myths (e.g. the 10% ‘rule’, many believe that if you copy 10% of a someone’s work it becomes okay to use it without permission) and answers pertinent questions such as how much ‘inspiration’ you can take from an artwork, which helps ensure that you don’t fall onto the wrong side of the law accidentally.

Owning It helped me understand the connections between seemingly separate areas of law, which are often studied in isolation, by drawing links from law into specific industry areas, like photography, making what I’ve learnt in law school applicable to the commercial world.”